If you’re a life or business coach, you know the truth.
Coaching can be the best work ever, but chasing clients and suffering the cycles of feast-or-famine income can burn you out.
I guess I was lucky to learn marketing early in my career but that didn’t make me immune to burnout. In fact, it made it worst.
Over the past 37 years in coaching, my 1:1 client load has ranged from 70+ to a consistent average of twenty sessions a week.
The money was good but it wasn’t worth my family or my health.
Being rushed to the hospital at one in the morning, and having a twenty-year marriage end was more than a wake-up call, it was a five alarm fire that demanded radical change.
I ended up taking a lot of time off, dealing with some really hard stuff, and then reinventing myself as a human being and as a coach.
Today I invest the first three hours of my day in personal growth that helps me be at my best. I do deep work for about three hours daily, and I take Mondays and 7th weeks off.
I’m not trying to impress you. Life is far from perfect but I’ve figured out how to coach in a completely different way. Now I work with just 12 clients annually and 80% of my coaching income doesn’t incolved 1:1 clients.
This secret isn’t a big ticket program.
You’ve got valuable knowledge from working with clients. Now you can make more, work less with prolific passive revenue from social posts, online books and courses, and more. The secret is a simple workflow that turns fuzzy thoughts into publishable free and paid content faster––even if you get stuck in overthinking, perfection or procrastination.