(See proof of my work as a coach, 49 pages of testimonials)

Finally, Get High-ROI & Secret Projects DONE:

Atomic Sprints Turn Fuzzy Focus Into Finished Projects In As Little As 21-Days With Science-Backed Accountability.

Ever notice, when you’ve got someone counting on you, you’re more likely to get things done? That’s the magic of accountability.

You want to: Complete a writing project, online book or course. Clear your to-do list. Stay consistent on social media. Build an email list. Etc. But life keeps getting in the way.
Joining the latest cohort or course, and other forms of conventional coaching can help but often slows you down, adding to the frustration. Most often than not, it’s not more information you need, rather focused action with accountibility from someone who has walked the path so you stop stopping.
Isn’t it time to stop stopping and get results now?

Speed complete high-ROI and secret projects that keep getting pushed.

I’m Ramon Williamson. I’ve designed the “focus multipler accountability sprints” especially for busy professionals, 1-person coaches/creatiors/advisors, and entrepreneurs –– based on what I learned working with more than 18,000 clients over the past 37 years as a certified mindset, life, and high performance habit coach.
There are two flavors:
(1) The 100-Day Sprint for bigger projects like making a product, book or course, and
(2) The 21-Day Sprint for building overall focus, consistency, and momentum.

How Focus Accountibility Sprints Work

Research shows that small, frequent prompts are an effective way to help anyone improve focus and behavior. For example, taking the stairs vs elevator. The science-backed focus and behaviorial design models we employ go beyond quick-fix tips and “life hacks” to address the underlying factors that can prevent you from sustaining focus and moving into momentum.
How Science-backed “Focus Accountability Sprints work:
1. Pick an important project to complete
2. Leverage regular check-ins to laser focus, speed progress
3. Stack Atomic Sprints™ to 10x results––faster, easier than on your own
You’ll also practice a supporting super habit that will skyrocket your focus, confidence, and energy so you are more likely to stay consistent with your project and get results faster without wearing yourself out.

What Will Will You Celebrate In 21 Days From Now

  • Set priorities for your day
  • Get consistent in social media
  • Get into a daily writing habit
  • Make a micro course or product
  • Start conversations via social outreach
  • Finish your online book or course
  • Write and launch a sales page
  • Start an email marketing
  • Build out a new workflow

Tell me what you want, I’ll help you get it.

3 Hidden, Unexpected Benefits

Beyond getting high-ROI and secret projects done, focus sprinting also helps you quickly: level up your mindset, stop or start key habits, and experience higher levels of focus, productivity, and happiness.

One BIG Bonus: How To Help

You will also have access to my coaching helpdesk and skill sessions so you can quickly learn what you need to know and implement quickly. This is an extra $1,200 value for Atomic Sprint members only.

Take the next step––risk free ↓

Let’s begin with a call to get clear about your goal and project. I’ll listen, help you focus, and see if there’s a fit. Grab a time now while this is fresh in your mind. Less stress and no more procrastinating await you.

Atomic Sprints™ © 2021 – 2023 by Ramon Williamson Coaching. All rights reserved.